Cox flexion-distraction
Cox flexion-distraction is a gentle, non-force adjusting procedure that mixes chiropractic with osteopathic principles. It utilizes specialized adjusting tables with movable parts to decrease pressure on nerves caused by a degenerative or herniated disc. This technique treats most back and neck pain, as well as disc herniations.
Chiropractic diversified adjustment
This technique was developed to adjust extremity joints. We use techniques to detect subluxations and to create motion in a vertebral joint. These adjustments are highly researched and are very effective in the treatment of axial back pain. This technique treats back and neck pain, extremity pain, numbness and tingling, migraines, and disc herniations.
Physiotherapy services
Injuries and repetitive stresses cause muscle imbalances, tight muscles that can lead to back pain. We will examine which muscle groups are atrophied and weak and which muscle groups are tight and overworked (often referred to as an upper or lower crossed-syndrome). Specific in-house stretching and strengthening of these muscle groups as well as at-home active exercises will correct the imbalances and lead to greater flexibility, strength, and function. Electrical stimulation and ultrasound physiotherapy procedures are often used to stimulate muscle groups to regain strength, improve blood flow, and reduce pain. Including these modalities often leads to a reduced number of required treatments. Patients often report improved function within three to four treatments.
These treatment protocols are used to treat muscle spasms, back and neck pain, tension headaches, numbness and tingling, and degenerative disc disease.
Full rehabilitative exercise
Rehabilitative exercise is personalized to meet the needs of our patients’ goals. We examine your limitations and develop a personalized exercise program to bring you back to a productive and active lifestyle. Our treatment protocol usually begins with passive home care, including rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). It continues with more functional/active home care, including strengthening/stretching/nutritional counseling to optimize your daily activities, PAIN-free and DRUG-free. We offer a dedicated gym for in-house education on proper stretching and range-of-motion exercises that do not increase pain and inflammation but instead provide better mobility over time. Weight-bearing exercise is added slowly to build muscle strength once full range of motion is achieved. This technique treats whiplash, back and neck pain, disc herniation, and extremity pain.
Kinesio® taping
For more than 25 years, Kinesio® has provided comfort and stability to its users. Kinesio® Tex Gold™ offers patients a more gentle approach to rehabilitation than those provided by conventional athletic tapes. On the heels of unprecedented results from the 2008 Games in Beijing, Kinesio® invites you to experience what athletes and medical practitioners around the world are calling the rehabilitative and enhancement tool. Dr. Redmond has completed all KT training programs and is one of only a few chiropractors in Maine who have completed these studies.
Ergonomic analysis
Ergonomic analysis is matching the capabilities of humans with the requirements of the tasks they perform. This process leads to improvements in productivity and product quality, as well as increased occupational safety and health. Dr. Redmond has more than 10 years experience in Ergonomics with published and nonpublished research during his undergraduate studies at Dalhousie University. The School of Health and Human Performance at Dalhousie University was a pioneer in the development of an ergonomic program in the late 1990s.